This guideline has been drafted by Dr Munir (Internal Medicine, RIPAS) and approved by DGMS office. For any further queries please contact him on his e-mail
In reference to the memorandum dated 5th of May 2009 (KK/JPK/S/96/04/A J.2) which attached a letter from the Director General of Public Service Department (JPA/R/JTG/KSN/1/8/6 (462)), “on-call” allowance will be approved for MO, SMO, Specialists working for Ministry of Health except Dental doctors, Public Health and A&E effective from the 1st of March 2009.
These are the Amendments and Guidelines for claiming on-call allowance:
General Information and Amendments:
- On-call time is taken as the time the on-call doctor arrives in the Hospital grounds
- On-call time for Resident on-calls are 0745-0800 for weekdays, and 0800-0800 for weekends and public holidays
- On-call time for Non-Resident on-calls are 1630-0800 for weekdays, and 0800-0800 for weekends and public holidays
- Non-Resident on-call doctors will be able to claim 'extended' on-call time (after 0800 endtime) for Weekend or Public Holiday
- All claims are accumulative for the whole month
- There is no 'minimal time' or 'minimal claim'
- Total time to the nearest minute will be claimable
1. Applying for approval
- All claiming doctors must first apply for on-call allowance by submitting the EOC 09 FORM
- Forms are available from your Departmental clerks or CEO Office
- Accepted on-call applications will be given a unique Reference number which need to be quoted for each claim
- All applications must include:
- Completed EOC 09 FORMS
- Copy of Identity Card
- Copy of latest payment slip
- Copy of appointment letter
2. Filling in Attendance books
- Attendance books must be filled in with the EXACT time of entry and exit
- Attendance books will be placed in ALL wards, ICU, Radiology, OT and A&E
- Attendance books shall be placed in a conspicuous and easily seen area of the ward/facility
- Resident on-call doctors need only to sign the 'time in' of the first ward/facility they enter at the start of the on-call and 'time-out of the last ward/facility they leave (example 1, eg. for weekday 0745-0800 and example 2, eg. for weekend and public holiday 0800-0800)
- Non-Resident on-call doctor need to sign 'time in' and 'time out' of every ward/facility they enter for the on-call (example 3, eg. for weekday 1630-0800 and example 4, eg. for weekend and public holiday 0800-0800)
3. Filling in Logbooks
- Logbooks must be filled in with the EXACT time of entry and exit
- Logbooks must be verified by end of on-call day
- It can either be 'witnessed' by staff nurses or Allied health care professional or Specialist on-call
- Where logbooks cannot be 'witnessed', it can also be 'verified' by the Specialist on-call at the end of the on-call day
- Logbooks can also be verified retrospectively after 24 hours with the discretion of the respective Specialist on-call or Head of Department
- Resident on-call doctors need only to fill in entry and exit time and general ward/facility where they will be working (example 5, eg. for weekday 0745-0800 and example 6, eg. for weekend and public holiday 0800-0800)
- Non-Resident on-call doctor need only to fill in entry and exit time of each on-call, any breakdown of wards visited must be written clearly in the 'Place of Duty' column (example 7, e.g. reviewing 2 patients in ward 21 and ICU respectively, example 8, eg. joining on-call team for wardround to more than one ward such as ward 19 followed by ward 21 and CCU and example 9, eg. staying after 0800 end-time for weekend or public holiday)
4. Filling in BT EOC 09 Claim Forms
- All Claim Forms must be filled with identical entries from your logbooks
- Each doctor's unique 'Reference number' must be quoted in each Claim Form
- Claims should be written in chronological order
- All claims are accumulative for the whole month
- There is no 'minimal time' or 'minimal claim'
- Total time to the nearest minute will be claimable
5. Claiming process
- Please submit only 1 copy of completed BT EOC 09 Claim Forms2. Please include your original logbook and a copy of a finalized rota for the respective month
- Please submit all Claim Forms by the 14th of each following month
- All claim forms should be submitted to respective departmental clerks
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