42 year old male, a weapon specialist in the military complaining of 2 week history of pain in the wrist. No recent acute trauma apart from usual day-to-day testing of weapons. 1 year ago had a fall on an outstrectched hand.
Spot diagnosis?
A virtual mess for all our Medics Aiming to share and Update current info for the Doctors Community messdoctors@gmail.com
young, enthusiastic and dynamicjunior doctors to participate in organising events and activities that can bring our
Multi-Level & Multi-Specialty Doctors Communitycloser and provide opportunities where ideas, views, experience and knowledge can be shared with the rest of the doctors community not just in RIPAS but throughout the country via an informal medium. Perhaps one day we could use some of these ideas, experience & knowledge to improve our own practice and deliver a better service for the Bruneians. An old saying says 'Mun paham bisai!'
Comments, Medical News,All that can help our doctors community to be more informed and updated with the current happenings within our Doctors Community.
Interesting case reports, Summary of interesting CME talks,
Tips for trainee Doctors,
Social Events and perhaps even Cooking Recipes!
BRUNEI DOCTOS MESS CLUB is written by a group of young Bruneian doctors working in Brunei. All comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome either at the end of each post, or by direct e-mail.
The articles in BRUNEI DOCTORS MESS CLUB (BDMC) are often of a light hearted nature and must not be used as a basis for medical treatment. BDMC is always interested to hear of healthcare experiences, and grateful for any stories, information or even "tip-offs" that you may wish to contribute. Please keep them coming.
BDMC complies with patient confidentiality standards
The views expressed in BDMC Blog are those of the authors and no one else. They most certainly do not represent the Ministry of Health's policy.
BDMC are not able to give personal advice and anyone with medical problems must consult their own doctor.
The contents of BRUNEI DOCTORS MESS CLUB are strictly the copyright of the authors and all rights are reserved. Other bloggers are welcome to quote and use any of the content of the articles on the internet or in their own blogs but, please, mention BDMC when you do.
Short quotes for comment or review are welcome in print, but anyone wishing to use substantial parts or all of any of the articles is asked to contact BDMC in advance.