This is a 70 year old male, presented with a 2 month history of skin lesion on his anterior shin. He has a past medical history of COPD and still a smoker with a 40 pack year history. The lesion initially started as a small itchy lesion which developed into the size you see now on the picture above over 2 mths.
What is your diagnosis of this skin lesion? How would you confirm your diagnosis and what is your treatment plan?
This is a 45 year old diabetic female with lesions on her lower limb. She was referred to a specialist clinic with a non-healing ulcer on the medial gaiter area. What is the diagnosis of her skin lesion?
Answers: Posted on 27th December 2008
Lesion 1: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Lesion 2: Diabetic Dermatopathy